
Do you want to be a ITVDesk partner?

a) We offer reseller, OEM and technology partnership.
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b) Affiliate partner
icon affiliate 180
We provide amazing computer software, updates, support, we add new features and we take care of the customer.
YOU find the customer and get 25% of the sales revenue !


How does it work?
We are using ITVDesk affiliate program feature to propose you this affiliation. Thanks to that, it'll take you less than 5 minutes to add your first affiliate link to your own website !
  • Step 1: create an account on our website (if you haven't already done so)
  • Step 2: Log in
  • Step 3: Click on the menu Your account -> Affiliate (this menu is only displayed if you're logged in)
    In this area, you'll be able to see your affiliate ID, enter your paypal e-mail address, see the orders corresponding to your affiliate ID, etc.
    That will definitely be your central place to see what's going on...
  • Step 4: Add a link to our website on your website including your affiliate ID (you'll find some examples in your affiliate area).
    example: https://www.itvdesk.eu?itvdesk_partner_id={your_affiliate_id}
    Replace "{your_affiliate_id}" with your own affiliate ID ! (the examples in your affiliate area already display the link with your own affiliate ID)
    example: https://www.itvdesk.eu?itvdesk_partner_id=24
  • Step 5: You don't have to do anything else, you're done! Just sit back and earn some extra income through our Affiliate program !
Our Affiliate program will detect each click generated by your affiliate ID and store a cookie in the visitor's computer.
If the visitor makes a purchase within 30 days of the first click, you'll get 25% of the sales revenue!
We keep track of the most recent clicks and you can see them on your own affiliate area (it's an easy way to make sure the link you added on your website is working properly).
How much will you get paid?
You will get 25% of the sales revenue for each of our products you manage to sell.
Except special agreements, orders purchased with a coupon code will not be attached to your affiliate account.
How will you get paid?
For the moment, we only pay our affiliates via PayPal.
If you cannot receive money using a PayPal account, please contact our team to find an alternative solution.
When will you get paid?
We ensure a 30-day money-back guarantee, so we cannot pay a sale before 30 days after the order was made.
We apply a minimum payment amount, which is €50 (50EUR) or $80 (80USD), so you have to accumulate orders until you reach the minimum.
You will be paid in the currency of your choosing and if some of sales are made in another currency your percentage on them will be converted to your currency.
You can use our contact form in order to request the payment of your commissions. If you meet the requirements written above, our team will then proceed to the payment to your PayPal email that you specified in your affiliate program page.
John registered on itvdesk.eu
He added a link on his website: https://www.itvdesk.eu/index.php?itvdesk_partner_id=24 (John's affiliate ID is 24)
Mike is visiting John's website and clicks on this link.
On Mike's computer, our affiliate program added a cookie to keep John's affiliate ID for 30 days.
Mike downloads ITVDesk and leaves the website (John's affiliate ID is still in the cookies!).
10 days later, Mike comes back and goes directly onto itvdesk.eu and decides to buy a product which costs 100$.
John's affiliate ID is still in the cookies so 25$ is added to his affiliate account (which will be confirmed 30 days later if Mike does not request a refund).
Two months later, several visitors did the same thing and now John's affiliate account is 75$ so it's time for John to receive the money on his paypal account !
Terms & Conditions
By joining our Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree with the terms and conditions.
itvdesk.eu reserves the right to add, delete and/or modify any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement, at any time and at its discretion alone, by posting a notice announcing a change or a new agreement on the itvdesk.eu website. If you do not wish to accept a particular amendment, you only reserve the right to terminate the agreement and your participation in the Affiliate Program. Your continued participation in the Affiliate Program following notice of a change or a new agreement on the itvdesk.eu website will automatically constitute acceptance of the changes.
Your obligations
You must use the Affiliate Program in a manner that demonstrates common sense and respect for the rights of itvdesk.eu and third parties.
You may not use our Affiliate Program on a website promoting sexually explicit material, violence, any kind of discrimination or illegal activities.
Any kind of advertisement causing damage to our name or products are prohibited.
Spam, unwanted commercial e-mails, posting in unappropriated newsgroups or forums (non-commercial for example) are also prohibited.
You may not advertise in any way that effectively conceals or misrepresents your identify, your domain name or your return e-mail address.
You may not use our affiliate program on any website url that contains all or part of our products' name, company name or web site name.
At its discretion alone, with or without notifying you, itvdesk.eu reserves the right to terminate this agreement and your participation in our affiliate program immediately, should you commit fraud in your use of our affiliate program or should you abuse this program in any way. If such fraud or abuse is detected, itvdesk.eu shall not be liable to you for any commission for such fraudulent sales.

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