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ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 5.0 released

Implement External IP Camera connection over RTMP now supports H265 video and G711 audio codec.
Implement Combine media select list. Now user can select and mix different media source (Webcam, Desktop, External IP Camera).
Improvements audio G726 decode and encode.
Now all ONVIF IP Cameras have unique static MAC Address.
Improvements RTSP over HTTP protocol.
Fixed couple of small bugs.
Thanks for using ITVDesk.

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.9 released

Implement Combine media source. Now user can merge two or more media sources together (Pic in Pic, Wall 1x1, Wall 2x1, Wall 2x2).
Improvements Trial options.
Bug fixes and performance improvements to make ITVDesk faster and better for you :).

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.8 released

We're constantly improving the app to bring you the best of ITVDesk. Get the latest version to have all of the available features and services from us.
Implement and select Capture mode.
Improvements IPCamera configuration read/write.
Improvements Metadata configuration streaming.
Improvements for Apple MAC platform.
Improvements Factory reset button.
Improvements ONVIF interface.
Fixed couple of small bugs.

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.7 released

Implement front detection when new client connect and disconnect from IP Camera.
Improvements ONVIF/HTTP/HTTPS video snapshot.
Improvements H264 and H265 RTP.
Enable support for video 60fp/s.
Enable support for 4 to 8 MEDIA DEVICE per media source.
Fixed couple of small bugs.


ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.6 released

Implement setup ITVDesk setting over Terminal (For all platform).
Improvements startup network setup.
Improvements License Menager.
Fixed couple of small bugs.


ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.5 released

- Implement ONVIF Analytics and Rule Service interfaces.
- Implement, support HikVision NVR/DVR Event setup (Motion Detection, Video Lost...).
- Implement add and remove streams (Profile) over ITVDesk.
- Implement, now all data from Surveillance Center (NVR/VMS) is saved (AES encripted) and automatic reload on reboot. Analytics settings, Receivers settings, Time settings, Network settings, User management, Relays management, Event and other...
- Implement Discovery Resolve Message - A Resolve message is a WS-Discovery message used by a client to search for services
on the network by name. A client will only send a Resolve message when an HTTP message (such as a Get metadata exchange request
or a service message) will be sent. A Resolve message is sent by UDP multicast to port 3702.
- Implement ONVIF Discovery or Non-Discovery devices setup.
- Automatic send update Data and Time reqest from Surveillance Center (NVR/VMS).
- Improvements application User Interface Protection options.
- Improvements grab media source Desktop, Webcam on all platform.
- Improvements Onvif and RTSP protocol, better compatibility with NVR-s.
- Improvements memory processing.
- Improvements stability and Multi-threaded processing.
- Improvements Video Hardware Acceleration Decoding.
- Improvements Motion Detection, Alarm IN and Alarm OUT.
- Fixed couple of small bugs.


ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.4.1 released

ITVDesk public OSX application release.
Improvements stability.
Fixed couple of small bugs.

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.4 released

Implement Video Hardware Acceleration Decoding for Windows, Linux, Osx.
(ITVDesk Hardware acceleration decode uses GPU hardware to accelerate a task FromFile and External IP Camera so that it runs faster and more efficiently than on the CPU alone).
Improvements system stability.
Improvements Multi-threaded processing.
Improvements audio/video decode and encode.
Improvements RTSP over HTTP.
Improvements media FromFile audio playback.
Improvements audio back-channel.
Fixed couple of small bugs.

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.3.1 released

Improvements RTP.
Improvements media stream.

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.3 released

Improve system stability.
Implement Geek Log.
Support DW Spectrum VMS auto settings setup.
Support Longse NVR, XVR and VMS.
Fixed couple of small bugs.

itvdesk onvif ip camera setup log file images ipcamera itvdesk logPrint

ITVDesk ONVIF IP Camera 4.2 released

Support connecting ITVDesk ONVIF IP Cameras to Windows 10 Devices.  (https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2019/10/10/connecting-network-cameras-to-windows-10-devices/).
Implement, allowed to run only one instance of the ITVDesk application.
Improvements Webcam capturing for Apple OSX platform.
Improvements Audio and screen capturing for Apple OSX and Windows platform.
Improvements on ITVDesk http server.
Fixed couple of small bugs.